Montessori Educators
In a Montessori classroom the place of the traditional teacher is held by a fully trained Montessori educator, often called a Montessori Director or Directress. Montessori educators typically have a normal teacher qualification as well as an additional Montessori teacher education diploma. The Montessori Director is a guide or facilitator whose task it is to support the young child in his or her process of self-development. The Montessori Director is foremost an observer, unobtrusively yet carefully monitoring each child's development, recognising and interpreting each child's needs.
The Montessori Director provides a link between the child and the prepared environment, introducing the child to each piece of equipment when he or she is ready in a precise, clear and enticing way. On a broader level the educator provides a link between the classroom and the parent, meeting with each child's parents to discuss progress. They need to be an example; calm, consistent, courteous and caring. The most important attribute of a Montessori educator is the love and respect they hold for each child's total being.
In a Montessori classroom, the Montessori Director/Directress is supported by a Montessori Assistant. They assist with the preparation of the environment and the group activities of the classroom.