Parent Success Story
Jun, a parent on a recent Positive Discipline course shared her experiences of using one of the techniques from the course called "Ask for Help".
"Since I started to use ‘Ask for Help’, my 3 year-old son is really willing to participate in chores with me. He helps to do vacuuming with his little vacuum cleaner, mop the floor, hang out his wet socks and fetch the washing in and he helps me cut some soft vegetables, such as tomatoes or mushrooms. We have a fun time together. Two days ago he said to me, "Mummy, let’s make spring onion bread’" I have never make any bread before except cakes. I said I have to search for the recipe. He said "I know how to do it! Helen and Fary taught me!” (his carers from Jescott Montessori). I prepared all the ingredients he asked for, then put them on the table.
He said he will teach me how to make the spring onion bread. So I just sat beside the table and watching him. I was surprised how much he has learnt. He never really showed what he has learnt from school before I used the Positive Discipline course tools. He sings songs that he learnt from school sometimes, but not baking a bread. I think the tool brings us closer and he is more likely to share with me."