Amy Kirkham has worked in Early Childhood since 1988 as an Early Childhood Teacher, Play Therapist at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Montessori Directress, Lecturer, Consultant and Trainer. Amy gained her AMI 3–6 Diploma in 1993 and was awarded her AMI 3–6 Trainers’ Certificate in 2006. She also holds an AMI Certificate for 0–3, 6–12 and Adolescents, Montessori Core Principles and Montessori Sports. In addition to her Montessori qualifications, Amy is a VIT registered Early Childhood Teacher and has a Bachelor of Educational Studies (Hearing Impairment) and a Master of Education from the University of Melbourne. Amy has completed Mentor Training with the Victorian Institute of Teachers and the DEEWR Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) Assessors’ Training. Amy has been the 3–6 AMI Director of Training in Melbourne since 2008 and worked as a member of the 3–6 Training Faculty on Diploma, Foundation, Certificate, Administrators and Mentor courses in China and Taiwan. She has been an AMI examiner in Australia, China, New Zealand, Thailand and Japan. Amy joined the Sydney Montessori Training Centre (SMTC) in 2019 as the Director of Training for the 3–6 Diploma and Orientation Certificate courses. Amy is actively involved in the provision of Montessori professional development, including parent and community education. When she is not training, Amy can be found working with children and mentoring in different 3–6 environments.